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Of Fractured Edges Cover Reveal + Blurb and Release Date

Of Fractured Edges Cover Reveal + Blurb and Release Date

It is that time again--time for the cover reveal of my next book + blurb + pre-order and all that jazz. I'm lumping it all together because that's how I roll. The book in question is book four of The Adventures of the Trinity and the One is titled Of Fractured Edges. It took me awhile to get to that title. Maybe hours were spent brainstorming it. I knew it had to do with earth and I knew the color...

Taking a Break

Taking a Break

I haven't hashed it out that much, but I'm thinking about taking a break of some sort between book 4 and book 5. I don't know if it'll be a few months or just a few days, but I'm planning on working on a side-project, The Lost, intently for a little bit. Whether I'll finish it in this break or not, I don't know. I just have a feeling that after book 4 I'm going to need to spend some...

Threads that Bind the Tempest Released!

Threads that Bind the Tempest Released!

Book three of The Adventures of the Trinity and the One, Threads that Bind the Tempest, has been released! Fantastic, no? I am very proud of this one. It has a different tone, darker, I think, than the other novels thus far, but it sets the stage for a lot to come. It is very powerful, in my opinion. Writing it was rather hard, but the end-result is perfect. I hope that everyone will enjoy Threads that Bind the Tempest...

Threads that Bind the Tempest (Book 3) Cover and Blurb!

Threads that Bind the Tempest (Book 3) Cover and Blurb!

It's that time. When you get the appetizer to the next story, in this case Threads that Bind the Tempest. The pre-story story. The lovely and enigmatic blurb. I'll stop talking now. Here is the cover to Threads that Bind the Tempest, in all its glory. Stare at it and bask in its glory. I like it a lot. And for the more substantial part. The blurb to TTBTT: The Trinity and the One’s latest adventure threatens to unravel both...

Threads that Bind the Tempest Release Date - 27/3/2016

Threads that Bind the Tempest Release Date - 27/3/2016

So I have moved very quick with editing and dealing with Threads that Bind the Tempest, so I can safely say the release date is 27/3/2016. 27^1/3 = 3. Threes. Ha. I chose that date on purpose. Pre order will be up in about two weeks or so. It's going to be awesome. GET HYPE.

Welcome to 2016 and Happy New Years!

Welcome to 2016 and Happy New Years!

Welcome to 2016! 2015 has been great. I hope 2016 fares just as good. I wrote a retrospective piece on Medium about my 2015 and my plans for 2016. I encourage others to do the same. I'm getting excited for the new year. Books to be written and edited. Very optimistic. Anyway. Onward to 2016 and beyond!