Commissioned Art of Spellbinder Casting a Spell
As the other commission of Spellbinder didn’t go so well, I craved to get Spellbinder done again to hopefully a better end—to make it right for her and for myself. So, I set my sights on an artist who seemed like they could do both the fantasy and sci-fi side of Spellbinder. I landed on AR Sullivan after looking into/contacting a few artists. I wasn’t sure if I’d find ‘the One’ at second try, but….I think did. Really happy with how it turned out.
But, let us wind back and start from the beginning, haha. I provided a ton of information up front, my Spellbinder drawings, the LEGO model picture, and pose ideas and then we were off!
My Pose Ideas
I roughly drew three pose ideas for AR Sullivan. All were more dynamic and clearly had her casting a spell. The ‘Concentrating’ pose was my preferred choice as it was more like what I wanted originally and it was easier to start with anyway. And that was what we went with.
Rough Sketch
AR Sullivan came back with this sketch. I felt SO good about it. There were a few areas that were off (curves, angles), but like, it was clearly and spiritually, Spellbinder. I did my usual ‘edits’ on top of the image, explaining angles and where the joints were. I had an existential crisis over joint placement on her legs, which led to me to subsequently adding a set.
I also asked for more yellow in the magic spell.
Rough Sketch Tweaked
They then returned with the updated version:
I only had a few minor comments on the foot area. But I was good to proceed!
It’s great. The only problem was the eyes were recessed when I see them more as flush, though. Very minor, all things considered!
Side note on the background: the abstract looked good to me and I didn’t have a strong enough alternate idea for it so that’s why it’s like that. I wondered on asking for the shimmering gray of the pocket dimension, but I couldn’t figure out how to articulate it/describe it so that’s on my visual ideation TODO list.
And it’s done! Woooohhoooo! I feel so good about this. I feel cleansed of my suffering and it is thanks to AR Sullivan. It’s true to her form, has life, and there’s magic! This is Spellbinder. And Farrco is next!
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