2024 in Review
A meager year. Fell off a cliff in terms of productivity, but there was still three major highlights…
Senet Rules
I did make up rules for Senet. Was interesting to work on/figure out.
Crochet Characters
I got into crochet this year and I made a few characters in crochet form: Dien, Chatzu’kuan, and Jurak. Plus a Szarehan and a Baune. I could continue to make more, but I’m not sure who to make next.
Tales Volume 1 / Book 11 Released
I keep forgetting this happened this year, but it did. Volume 1/Book 11 did, in fact, get completed. No print copy, though. I am working on Volume 2, and once done I will make a print copy of both if the combined length is good enough.
Not much at all, really, which is not great, but there were external factors that influenced this.
I hope to be more productive next year and get more done. Or at least have an idea of what I want to do.
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